Reid Sohn Piano|Roberts Pianos - Oxford Roberts Pianos

Reid Sohn Pianos

Make Reid Sohn
Made in Korea
Made by Samick Factory
Rating (see Key) 45-60
Estimated Number In UK 8000. 7500 upright 500 grand
Year and serial number 1970 3500 1980 295300 After 1988 The prefix letters determine the date: 1988 HH… 1989 HI… 1990 IJ…. 1991 IK… 2000 JJ


Pianos made in the large Samick factory and imported by J Reid of London. Most Reid Sohn pianos in the UK are small modern ones and reasonably well made with a bright tone and responsive action

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Reid Sohn - PianoReid Sohn - PianoReid Sohn - PianoReid Sohn - Piano
Made in Korea
Made by Samick Factory
Rating (see Key) 45-60
Estimated Number In UK 8000. 7500 upright 500 grand
Year and serial number 1970 3500 1980 295300 After 1988 The prefix letters determine the date: 1988 HH… 1989 HI… 1990 IJ…. 1991 IK… 2000 JJ


Pianos made in the large Samick factory and imported by J Reid of London. Most Reid Sohn pianos in the UK are small modern ones and reasonably well made with a bright tone and responsive action

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