Ibach Piano|Roberts Pianos - Oxford Roberts Pianos

Ibach Pianos

Make Ibach
Made in Germany
Made by Ibach
Rating (see Key) 50-80
Estimated Number In UK 15,000. 90% upright 10% grand. About 5% of these after 2000 - 2007. After that the name was bought by Feurich and the piano made in Ningbo, China.
Year and serial number 1880 – 7800
1890 – 20100
1900 – 38600
1910 – 63600
1920 – 82100
1930 – 96000
1950 – 98500
1970 – 117901
1990 – 147437


About 90% of the Ibachs in the UK were made between 1880 and 1915. The uprights are overdampers until about 1910, either overstrung or straight strung and all with excellent tone. Older grands generally fine quality but most Ibach pianos in the UK need much restoration. From about 1915 to 1935 some excellent small grands and tall uprights were made. Modern Ibach pianos are also well made though the factory closed in 2007
